Missouri Senior
Levy Funds
55 Out of 115 Missouri Counties have a Senior Levy Fund.
Passed in the Missouri General Assembly in 1989 RSMo 67.990 allows counties to go to the votes to allow a tax of up to 5 cents per $100 of assessed valuation upon all taxable property for the purpose of providing services to persons sixty years of age or older.
Senior Levy Board Websites:
Supporting Community Supports for Older Adults
Home and Community-Based Services
Information & Referral
Respite Programs
Meals On Wheels
Personal Emergency Response Devices
Home Safety Repair
Adult day services
Durable medical equipment
Mental/behavioral health services
State-Wide Collective Impact
Over $17 million is generated across Missouri each year. The amount collected is determined upon approval of a majority of the qualified voters of such county or city voting thereon, levy and collect a tax not to exceed five cents per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation.
Established in State Statute
Established in state statute in 1989, statute authorizes levies on the county ballot, describes the appointment and governance of a Senior Citizens’ Services Fund Board, and establishes fund uses.